
Member since August 2016

Loyalty Score


Profile Reviews


Average rating: 5.0

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

bigluigi300 has a Loyalty Score of 10 .

Profile Reviews



Five stars for Roland.
He is so easy to communicate with, friendly and business like. His videos are first-rate. He knows how to pose and he is in true competition shape: with great size, shaped body parts, and razor sharp detail.
He is a true athlete as well as a super-accomplished, marble-hard, bodybuilder. And he gives you a great blast of positive energy, from the first communication onwards.

22 Aug 2016

Roland replied...
Thank you so much :):):)

Tom H

Tom H

Had an outstanding exchange with Johnny.
He is friendly, responsive, and easy to chat with.
A gentleman and a true athlete. At ease with himself and his training regimen.
He is in outstanding shape these days, with great size, and a superb balance between outstanding, wide deltoids and matching quads. Huge and aesthetically pleasing at the same time.
Connecting with Johnny is the sort of exchange that makes you want to train harder, and train smarter, because it all leads to better health, and a better sense of self-worth.
Connecting with Johnny was a real win-win.

22 Aug 2016