
Member since August 2015

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mDimera has a Loyalty Score of 45 .

Profile Reviews

Leo Muscle

Leo Muscle

As a long-time worshipper of this true muscle god, who blows my mind all over again each time i see him--i can promise you: there is nothing your money can buy that will give you a millionth of the bliss you will get from a video or show with Leo.

Words can't even start to convey the sheer masculine majesty of his physique. But even his pics--without the sound of his voice, rumbling through you like thunder, or the ferocity with which he moves and pumps those mountains upon mountains of muscle--give you only a clue.

I can tell you he is legitimate, reliable, & nicely businesslike with carrying out the transaction. Soon after you contact and pay him for your video or show, he'll provide you with an experience beyond anything you could have hoped for. I know i've bought videos from other muscle men that i never even stayed interested in to watch all the way through. Surprisingly few have i ever watched a second time. I have bought many videos from Leo, and watched them over and over again, their overwhelming erotic potency never decreasing. I'd be totally satisfied watching nothing but Leo for the rest of my life. On the other hand, it's kinda torture to go a whole day without watching at least one video of his. If you don't mind being obsessed (you won't), it does simplify your life. You wont waste any more time and money seeking your maximal stimulation--you will at last know the one man you can turn to for all you want and need.

If you get a show (you must), he will engage you with an intensity no one else can match. Be warned--once you experience that, you will be conquered, and hopelessly addicted to your new Master forever. Once you encounter Leo--the irresistible and invincible hero and bully you always wished for just a little more than you feared, you can never forget him, or stop yourself from wanting and needing and loving him more every day. You can resist acting on the growing want/need/love for a while, but when they finally overwhelm you & you go crawling back to Leo for another show, you'll be shocked to discover he's stacked on and is even more amazing than you remembered. And King Leo will just own you even more deeply.

You'll lose the ability to be impressed, or pay much attention to, any other men, who will all start to seem so pitiful and weak and boring. You won't be able to stick to a reasonable budget; you'll find yourself crawling back to Leo way too soon, and giving him way more money than you can really afford. And you won't even be able to regret it. Because you won't be able to deny Leo's undeniable, humiliating superiority over yourself and every
other man you've ever known. And you will find that he can give you more intense pleasure and satisfaction from thousands of miles away--without even getting totally naked*--than any other man can by any other means. And you will agree with me that the chance to have such a great man, a real legend-in-process (who has at least 2 decades more in his prime ahead, which is astonishing to imagine, based on what he has already built!) , come into our own little worlds for a few minutes here and there, is kind of a miracle, and we can't be ashamed to treasure and cherish that miracle properly.

(*How to put this tastefully... for starters, Leo has a really stylish underwear collection. And he is also huge to the point where there isn't much he could do to really hide the hugeness. And it's yet another thing about Leo that is hard to not get obsessed with...)

6 Sep 2022

Leo Muscle replied...

Jake Tyler

Jake Tyler

Just had my first (of hopefully many shows) with this magnificent beast as a young man.

He was super courteous and thoughtful and professional from the start of the process. Was very proactive & determined to get me my show as soon as possible as i paid him. You can tell quickly he is an honest, good guy. Of course, he is also the sort of huge powerful stud who Is certain about the objective superiority of his physique, and confident in the power it will exert. Even if he was a totally selfish, greedy man, he'd know the best way of locking you in as a properly appreciative superfan for life is to show what he's working with--which is huge solid slabs and bulges of young muscle that will make you gasp and drool for real. He knows he can even charge relatively quite reasonable rates, because you'll be both grateful for his unusual generosity, and also rapidly addicted to his powerful physique, and beautiful boyish face. He knows this will bring more of us back for more frequent and regular refills of a premium muscle experience that few other men out there can provided.

Another special bonus with this stuf, is you can tell he is just starting--though he's already gotten way beyond what most men ever will. He has seriously decades of progress, growth & sculpting ahead of him, and the will to maximize it.

What will that even become?

But you can comfortably wait to be amazed and humbled by that when it comes, and every breathtaking increment along the way. But even before that, you can stop to bask in--or at least start processing--the present, perfect moment in the history of this young king's muscle empire--the monumental body he has already constructed, and been kind enough to share with the world.


And thank you, mi rey, for those blissful minutes with you 😍

12 Jul 2022