Young German powerful bodybuilder with an urge to grow! 😈
I am a 22 year old bodybuilder who competes.
I have a unique physique and I am impressively displaying it.
You can express your every wish and I will fulfill them with a high quality professionalism.
I already have experience in this area, so I won't disappoint you.
So invest your money wisely in me!
Verified review
Just received one hot video from GermanMuscleMaster. He's putting on muscle and looks fantastic. I requested some specific things from him and he put them all in the video - including hair (stubble) on his face and chest. Nice guy, great video!
Bludog [10625] on 27 Sep 2024
**Late review as we connected back on 24 Mar for a live session.
He was about 3-4 weeks pre-contest and the physique was a marvel to witness. Perfect blend of cockiness, dominance, and professional bodybuilder wrapped in a German beast. I was in a trance within the first few minutes of our session, and will surely make a return to his presence soon!
856chiboy [795] on 11 Apr 2023
GermanMuscleMaster replied...
Thank you for this nice Feedback!!!
GermanMuscleMaster has 14 more reviews. See them all here
Age | 24 |
Height | 180cm (5'11") |
Weight | 95kg (209 lbs) |
Eyes | Green |
Hair | Brown |
Bodyhair | Shaved |
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Excellent 4K video quality. Super nice guy to deal with and he listened to my requests for the custom video. Huge muscles and a handsome face will always do you good. GermanMuscleMaster does dominant flexing roleplay very well. Thanks so much.
Pacificjello [1635] on 15 Nov 2024