
Member since March 2014

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Profile Reviews


Average rating: 5.0

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

famoustim has a Loyalty Score of 69 .

Profile Reviews

Jake Daniel

Jake Daniel

One more review, this man is breathtaking, a God on earth, perfect body, perfect face, great attitude! He has got it all, and knows how to show it off Forgot some on first review, had to add more..............Jake has the most incredible body, face all of it...........could spend days worshiping that beautiful human, before I die, is my life long goal to touch that amazing physique!

23 May 2020

Jake Daniel

Jake Daniel

Got first vid yesterday from this amazing muscleman! What a Handsome, breathtaking, perfect body muscleman! Kind, easy to work with.....great guy!
What a phenom, amazing body, face, chest, arms, legs and the most amazing lat spread and back, incredible! Will only purchase personal vids from this GOD, what a man! the ultimate MUSCLE GOD!

22 May 2020

Video Reviews

Jake Daniel

Shredded American Muscle God with Jake Daniel

Verified review

I have thought about purchasing a vid from here before, but never did, for whatever reason. And then I took a look at Jake Daniel, he changed my whole image of what a muscleman should look like, he is a perfect muscular phenom, he is, breathtaking, what a man! The real way a man, muscleman should look like! Everyone should stop, take a look, breathe,and realize he is the true meaning of a Muscle God! PERFECTION!

22 May 2020