
Member since April 2020

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Average rating: 5.0

Video Reviews


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rg57 has a Loyalty Score of 5,724 and is in the Top 200 most loyal fans .

Profile Reviews

Hector Master

Hector Master

I have received a couple of custom videos from Hector. He's very quick in responding to the requests and sending me the videos. Hector has an amazing torso ... great pecs and abs ... nice traps. Good closeups in the video. He is the definition of tall, dark and handsome.

31 May 2024

Hector Master replied...
Thank you so much, it's a pleasure to share the fruits of my hard work with you. Let's keep growing 💪🏽

Matt Stiel

Matt Stiel

I received a custom video from Matt today and it was awesome. Great role play, working the camera and doing exactly what I asked for. He's in as good of shape as these photographs show.

3 Apr 2024

Matt Stiel replied...
I appreciate the feedback. Had fun making the video for you.



I recently bought two of his videos ("seriously vascular muscle" and "super hard flex show". I liked getting those two side by side to compare him when he's shaved for competition and growing his hair back. He's in lean, muscular shape in both of them. Herculean is a good description of his shape. Good overall aesthetics. Looking forward to more from this gentleman in the future.

9 Jan 2024



I recently bought the 2 latest videos from Alex (I have others and custom videos, too). What those videos reminded me is why I think Alex is good at muscle videos ... he really knows how to work it. Instead of quickly going through poses, Alex holds the pose for several seconds so you can really enjoy the view. He will repeatedly flex and relax, showing the muscle popping out as it comes under tension. For the arms video, he has his arms right up in front of the camera so you can see it's true massiveness. To make a good muscle worship video, you have to have more than a good body .... you have to know how to show it off. This is something that Alex is good at ... having amazing muscle size and great showmanship.

16 Nov 2023



I have received several videos from Whiteking over the last 3 months. Currently he is in a growing phase, but that hasn't been a detriment to his physique. His added size has been controlled, no excessive body fat. His aesthetics are still first rate. His legs and arms are very vascular and as his flexes for the camera his arms get better and better. The bodyhair is a very nice covering of his chest and abs. Fans of muscular men with a fine pelt covering will be very pleased with how he looks now. Besides that, as mentioned, he is very good at correspondence and keeping you up to date on the status of any videos. Whiteking is a good person and one that I have enjoyed providing support for via custom videos.

3 Sep 2023

rg57 has written 4 more reviews. See them all here

Video Reviews

Hector Master

Dominant Muscle Daddy with Hector Master

Verified review

Very first video from Hector and I'll be getting more. Hector's the definition of mature muscle. Great body, amazing abs, good arms and pecs.

26 Apr 2024

Matt Stiel

Sexy Muscle Daddy with Matt Stiel

Verified review

Matt exemplifies what I know of as a powerbuilder ... someone for whom strength as size are the most important things for working out while not forgetting to be reasonably lean. He shows off his great body in this video. Lots of back flexing, too. Matt's oiled up to show off his body to it's best and he slowly feels his muscles as he flexes them for you. Something you wish you could do, too!

12 Apr 2024


Sweaty Muscle God with Romeo

Verified review

Romeo is up close and in your face as he flexes for you for 10 solid minutes. A great series of classic bodybuilding poses shows off his pecs, arms, abs and back. As the minutes go by the effort he puts into the posing makes him sweat more and more, coating his muscles in glistening moisture. This is better than being oiled! His veins are bulging popping out all over. Well worth the cost for this exhibition.

2 Mar 2024


Massive Hairy Hunk with HardRocker

Verified review

All his flexing is done while sitting in a chair. His best attributes in this video are his pecs, forearms and vascularity. The light covering of hair that he's sporting now just adds to his ruggedness. His 10 minutes are spent constantly flexing for you.

18 Feb 2024


Perfect Arms with AlexTopaz

Verified review

You can really never get enough of Alex's arms. This is 17 minutes of him proudly showing them off from a mix of a couple different posing sessions. The biceps show all their fibers when flexed and looking at the inside of his arm. Looking at the outside, his horseshoe triceps are gigantic. Those forearms have to be seen to be believed. As he flexes and pumps, the veins become more visible. If Hercules came down to earth, this is what his arms would look like. Anyone watching this would love to be able to feel those arms in person.

12 Jan 2024

rg57 has written 47 more video reviews. See them all here