
Member since August 2015

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Average rating: 5.0

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

doc73 has a Loyalty Score of 58,171 and is in the Top 10 most loyal fans .

Profile Reviews



Just got another superhuman custom vid from the real superman. Simply the best. It's hard not to only stare at the best biceps you could ever imagine. But try, since every muscle is perfection. And the best performer on the site--brings a fantasy to life unlike anyone. Not to mention a class act I'm glad to call a friend--demand the best and send him a request!

24 Jul 2024

Forbidme replied...
Thanks so much, doc! I appreciate it!💪🏼

Andy Fit

Andy Fit

Check out latest vid wet tshirt strip. Was a custom show for me that will amaze. Huge, ripped, vascular muscles. Love the way he orders you to smell his sweat while flexing. An incredible performance with the superhuman physique

18 Mar 2024

Andy Fit replied...
🫶thanks ❤️😍

Andy Fit

Andy Fit

Wanted to echo recent review of Andy's latest bar bending and shirt rip vid. Other reviewer was dead on--his strength is not to be missed. Not only does he bend thick bars, but rips them apart, and then bends the smaller and smaller segments, ripping them apart leaving only a pile of small pieces. I've never seen anyone just destroy metal with such ease. Since he did this video awhile back, he's done even thicker bars for custom shows with me that are so effortless it defies logic. I guess it shouldn't be surprising the strength he has--just look at the muscle. If strength feats are something you love, be amazed by one of the strongest if not strongest muscle beasts on the site. And his current competition condition blows this video away.

22 Feb 2024

Andy Fit replied...
Thanks 🤩❤️🙏💪

Andy Fit

Andy Fit

Check out the love muscle vid he most recently posted. When I requested it, I was blown away. Talk about a hot, muscle fuck fantasy. You won't believe it, then try your own custom show with this incredible stud.

17 Feb 2024

Andy Fit replied...

Andy Fit

Andy Fit

Have purchased many custom shows from Andy over past 12 months. He's nearing a competition and condition is the best I've seen from him. The vids he sells here are great, but they are don't compare with his current shape. Incredible performer, friendly, great guy.

10 Feb 2024

Andy Fit replied...
Thanks 🙏❤️

doc73 has written 33 more reviews. See them all here

Video Reviews


Manhandled and Dominated By A Bodybuilder with Airon

Verified review

Wow! Absolutely incredible. Combine massive biceps with dominating, manhandling power. Gorilla presses and choke lifts done with ease. Pure power, ripped huge muscles.

22 Jul 2024


Shredded Superhero In The Mirror with Forbidme

Verified review

Welcome back. The original best returns with unbeatable vascularity, massive arms, and attitude to match. The real superman for sure. Better than fantasy could ever be.

1 May 2023

Super Stas

Military Muscle God with Super Stas

Verified review

Favorite video of his for sale on this site. A great choice if you are considering a custom but want a better idea of what he is all about first. Get the video, then ask him to do any custom show you can dream of. He will deliver the best show you have ever seen. Present condition is comparable to this video. Vascular, huge, superhero caliber. I defy you to find a bad review about Stas or a better model anywhere on this site

15 Jan 2023

Super Stas

Massive Muscle Shower Show with Super Stas

Verified review

Awesome. Crazy sexy, ass is insane. Best shower scene in some time. Can't wait to see next video

19 Aug 2022