Golden John


Golden John

26, 178cm (5'10"), 95kg (209 lbs)

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Golden John has 44 more photos. See them all here

About me

Message me on INSTAGRAM for CUSTOM VIDEOS and LIVE SHOWS from now on. You can also see a lot of my gym content there, poses and other stuff I don’t post here.

Alpha male, rock hard muscles, aspiring professional bodybuilder. Dominant attitude and voice, a true master by nature.

Great poser and some of the best aesthetics you’ll ever see.

Meet me

Contact me directly for more information on where I'm available to meet.


I admired Golden John when he first joined this website, he was cut, strong, muscular. Now he appears full in the face, bloated and not the same as before. I say this with the hope he sees this not as criticism but as a genuine message for him to try and rediscover his aesthetic greatness. I live in hope. Thanks

eire22 [906] on 25 May 2024

Golden John replied...
I think I did rediscover aesthetics now since I am preparing to compete again, it was just a matter of getting some more muscular size in the offseason, which is normal as an aspiring professional bodybuilder. Thank you for your opinion!

He is a great bodybuilder with hard muscles and amazing proportions!!
He knows how to pose. I orded a custom video, he delivered quick and in great quality.
I also bought the wrestling video here!! It's very hot!! Please do more wrestling videos man, in posing trunks and long sweaty matches!!

Muscle Beach [1138] on 17 Dec 2023

Golden John replied...
Will do more wrestling videos for sure in the future, thank you for your words and support!

Golden John is a serious athlete, scientific in his approach, honest, responsive and a rising star. He has an incredible work ethic, is capable of maintaining elite condition even in the off season. So much detail in his physique, fantastic muscle control as well. Great videography. i have purchased regularly each month from him for several months and will continue to support him as he strives to achieve his goals!

harlanny [20831] on 16 Dec 2023

Golden John replied...
Always grateful for your support, thank you so much!

According to my humble option, Golden John is a very reliable person and when he says one thing, he really does or produces it. I've commissioned a total of 2 videos and he went above and beyond to my expectations. Talking about his physique, it is amazing, well built, ripped (in all of the three videos). Furthermore if you want a bodybuilder with a "deep" voice, he is the deal. I'll surely come back for more.

KavanS [3099] on 14 Dec 2023

Golden John replied...
Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated! 💪🏽

I just received my second video from John and I was once again amazed by his performance. I give him 10 stars. His shape and muscularity is stunning, and his posing is a work of art. I'm looking forward to ordering another video soon.

gusty55j [10595] on 31 Oct 2023

Golden John replied...
Thank you so much, can’t wait for the next one!

Golden John has 30 more reviews. See them all here

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Golden John


Age 26
Height 178cm (5'10")
Weight 95kg (209 lbs)
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity White


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